To Coach or Not to Coach

You love kids? You want to give back? You want to support the club?

Forget all those. Do this for yourself. You will not regret, I promise, doing the deep dive into this lifelong sport.

Here is why:

  1. Your fitness will improve.
  2. Your technique will improve.
  3. The annual commitment is pretty doable – 10 sessions.
  4. The training sessions are excellent.
  5. Winter will become more enjoyable.
  6. You get to hang out with kids who will dream up pretty crazy things to do on skis.
  7. You will meet potential ski buddies and friends for life.
  8. Bottom line – you will have fun. For the rest of your life on skis.

And on top of all that, you do get to support a club and give back to your community. All feel good, make that feel great, reasons to join the Coaching Crew of MMNSC. Today.

Rabbit’s Coaching Courses for Fall 2020 BC

Oh. And when they say “no skiing experience necessary”? They mean it.

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Long Winter Nights

As with many clubs, full moon ski outings morphed into fundraising for lit tracks for skiing on any night and Morice Mountain enjoyed several years of that with our hilly, thrilling lit track. Then, the combined onslaught of pine beetle and blowdown brought the wires down and the expenses went up. Fixing and or burying lines are both super expensive. Sadly so, as we had many skiers on “Night Shift”.

However, new, better headlamps and batteries have revived the night ski for any skier looking for exercise outdoors and yes, cheap thrills. Instead of being limited to two kilometres of lit track, now the entire trail system is open to night users. The Night Skiers of recent years have been a mix of thrill seekers and calm striders. Shift workers, parents, anyone without time in the daylight hours to feed the xc addiction can enjoy the thrills, and the quiet of skis on snow, during the long winter nights. And then there are the Night Dogs who happily accompany their headlamped humans.

So for now, instead of doing laps under the lights, you can head out to the lake and beyond to enjoy the stars, northern lights and the glamorous moon for company in our dark sky location. We haven’t totally given up on lights; we are hopeful that solar technology will soon meet our needs. Until then, strap on a headlamp, release your “inner cyclops” and join the other “Night Lights”.

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End of the Season: Groundhogging

Hey Ski People,

Starting to feel like Groundhog Day?? Another glorious sunny spring day! Well, we do have a wee surprise change up. The Ginzu Master is going to Ginzu groom Golden Bow this morning. This means I am going to have get out there and make it all worthwhile – and I sure hope you will too.

I am happy to report that the Happy Adventurers survived their icy escapade – or is that Ice Capades?? –on Sawmill Pass. Yikes. Sounds like the HillBilly Cup! We are talking warp speed there. For most of us, the hills are way too fast. Walk down. Truth be told, we walked up the hill on Mainline today because it was so icy the skis weren’t gripping. And the lake is lovely for either classic or skating, but the snow covering is going fast. It will soon be straight up ice. But for the DieHards, The Spring Chickens, The Spring Calves, The Ladies of the Lake, The Hot Dogs, Deep Purple, Turbo, The Prez and First Lady, and all the rest of the Blissfully Addicted, we can only hope for one more day. And then another one. And another. Groundhogging. And then time for another location. A higher altitude? Hmmm a different latitude? And then, inevitably, another hemisphere. Chile in July, anyone?

Since the Prez is declaring the season over (by switching up mud for white sand and palm trees) it is time to say thank you to all who made this year possible. BIG Thanks again to the The Prez / Greg for everything he is always never endingly doing and there is no way I can list them all, Robin for memberships, Sonia the secretary, Miake for the money stuff and for offering up Pawesome Adventures as an outlet for club business, Rebecca for posters and events, Jocelyn for the Alpine Cabin, Deb for summer campground cleanup organizing, Jaime for Jackrabbits, all the coaches for Jackrabbits, Gerry for adult coaching, The Snow Fairy, The Grooming Guys: Doug, Henry and Frank, The Ginzu Master, all our awesome members and day skiers (who paid), everyone who tidied up a bit in the cabin, all the door lockers, all the trees that stood tall rather than blowing down, all the smiling ski folk out having fun, all the skier dogs, all the poop flickers, firewood gatherers, the school groups and the floppy jet stream which is bringing all this sunshine. And all those beautiful kilometres of corduroy!We did have a slow start to the season. Slow and grey. It was hard to remember what sunshine looked like in January with the thaws and rain interrupting the corduroy fun. Then Frosty February came with the deep cold, slow snow and sunshine with super conditions. And now a warm March of amazing sunbaked Groundhog skiing to finish off. We are so lucky we had the cold spells to preserve our precious snowpack.

It was a pretty sweet year trail wise with three new and very popular trails adding new options for all ski folk and putting smiles on many a ski mug: Cruisin’, Oh Chute and Swamp Dog. As well, the club purchased a new Ginzu groomer for the early and late season tiddle work. A few more night skiers took the plunge into darkness with our headlamp deal, while several skiers got a technique touch up thanks to Gerry. A new sink appeared in the kitchen. The Ski Challenge and the Women’s Retreat both were popular events for participants. I am sure I missed something, but hopefully not someone who should be thanked.

It’s not over until it’s over!! Enjoy these awesome days. The bugs are coming.

See you up there someday,


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